"The forest of tomorrow will be born from the seeds of today. Protecting our environment is not a luxury we can choose to enjoy, but a simple matter of survival."

-Sundarlal Bahuguna

With this thought in view, Class X C convened a special assembly on April 24th, 2024, focusing on "Invest in our Planet: World Earth Day," to heighten awareness regarding safeguarding Earth's natural resources for forthcoming generations. The assembly sought to inform students about the degradation of natural resources resulting from both human and natural factors.

The assembly began with the Morning Prayer, followed by news and the thought of the day. A street play (Nukkad Natak) on the topic of conserving earth and its resources enlighten the students to be more responsible and caring towards our environment. The choir performed a harmonious song, underscoring the significance of cherishing and safeguarding the gifts bestowed by Mother Earth. The students took a pledge to save Mother Earth by doing simple doable actions. Our continuing effort in our daily life will make this beautiful planet thrive.

The assembly concluded successfully with the Director Principal’s message to underscore the necessity of saving and conserving Mother Earth, without which life would not be possible.